Welcome to a bonus post! As we wrestle with hope’s role in our suffering, we need to consider how to express our truest feelings to God when we’re at our lowest. For the vast majority of us, when we hurt, we resist – we hold back on naming what we feel for fear of theContinueContinue reading “BONUS POST: Lament”

Journey of Joy: Week Five — The Waiting and Anticipating

A quick glance at the calendar tells me the trip we booked months ago is only six weeks away. My insides do that little fillip while my thoughts scamper, adding to my mental to do lists. But more than anything — after a year of sitting in the house — I just can’t wait! Yet,ContinueContinue reading “Journey of Joy: Week Five — The Waiting and Anticipating”

Playing Psalms: Games and Goodness — What It All Means

I saw a meme this week of a harried-looking guy hollering, “I’m getting pretty tired of living through historical events!” I needed some humor at the time I saw it because I was feeling it — that depth of, when is this gonna end? Lord, when will You answer our prayers and bring healing toContinueContinue reading “Playing Psalms: Games and Goodness — What It All Means”

Playing Psalms: Games and Goodness — Follow the Leader

While I may not have been a big fan of games like “Red Rover” in my growing up years, there was one game I loved: “Follow the Leader.” Being at the head of a line of friends who trailed behind me required no physical strength, no particular stratagem, nor any specific skill — except maybeContinueContinue reading “Playing Psalms: Games and Goodness — Follow the Leader”

Playing Psalms: Games and Goodness — Flashlight Tag

I stepped out onto the dark, back porch to silence.  Expecting a huge group of loud, pre-teen boys, I found the opposite. So, I listened for any sign that my boys and their friends were still somewhere in our yard. The moonlight was perfect for playing their favorite game — Flashlight Tag.  My eyes straining,ContinueContinue reading “Playing Psalms: Games and Goodness — Flashlight Tag”

Playing Psalms: Goodness and Games — Tag

Simultaneously, my friends and I shouted, as if loudness affected the quickness of our words, “Not it!”“Not it!”“Not it!” Well, quickness counted. Because whoever was last to get the words out became the infamous IT, the one who had the hard task of tagging the rest of us who scrambled about the yard, arms flailing,ContinueContinue reading “Playing Psalms: Goodness and Games — Tag”

Playing Psalms: Games and Goodness — Red Rover

Try to visualize with me — two lines of young kids, facing opposite each other, each side linked at the arms. The teams stare down at each other, nearly growling with anticipation of the ensuing battle. The hum of expectancy rises to a fevered pitch as the first side hollers out loud, “Red rover, redContinueContinue reading “Playing Psalms: Games and Goodness — Red Rover”

Playing Psalms: Games and Goodness — Red Light, Green Light

My friend proudly took her place at the front of the gym, standing with her given authority before our class. With hands on hips, she twisted her body around and hollered, “GREEN LIGHT!” Her back to us, we ran toward her with all our might from the back of the gym, hoping to tag herContinueContinue reading “Playing Psalms: Games and Goodness — Red Light, Green Light”

Playing Psalms: Games and Goodness — Hide and Seek

Hands over my eyes, I count loudly, “One, two, three….” My heart speeds up as I get closer to twenty, anticipating the fun of finding my hidden friends. “Twenty! Ready or not, here I come!” And, off I run, feeling the summer breeze on my face, smelling the freshly cut grass, grinning wide for allContinueContinue reading “Playing Psalms: Games and Goodness — Hide and Seek”

Playing Psalms: Games and Goodness — An Invitation

I don’t think there’s ever been another New Year so highly anticipated by the masses of our lifetime as 2021. When we consider all the challenges of the past year, we are more than eager for a new beginning. It’s after a year like 2020, we wonder — from where does our hope come? PsalmContinueContinue reading “Playing Psalms: Games and Goodness — An Invitation”