
Hello! Thanks for stopping by! I hope your desire to grow in your faith deepens as we get to know one another and dig into God’s Word together.

About This Ministry

Our faith is meant to be fruitful. Like the ancient pomegranate, life might bump and bruise us on the outside, but once our outer layers are peeled back, seeds of hope, joy, and life pour forth, offering the world and those around us the fruit of abiding faith in Jesus.

But what if we feel dried up? Used up? Shriveled and lifeless? Rather than wasting away in disappointment or discouragement, we break up our fallowed hearts. We look to Jesus to see how to do the hard work of sowing seeds of faith, nurturing them with the Living Water. We let our roots anchor us in God’s love and allow ourselves to break-forth in the Son, growing stronger with each passing season.

Friend, please know it’s my sincerest hope to cultivate your curiosity about all facets of faith so, together, we can root deeper in Jesus and flourish for Him in the world.

About Me

My husband of 30+ years and I re-planted ourselves in Texas–the state of our growing-up years–after living 20 years in Oklahoma where we raised our three sons. Navigating life as a parent of adult children is full of joy and challenges–I’m never quite sure what’s mine to do. 😉 So I pray. A lot. I also do life with friends in the same stage of life who engage in honest dialogue as we trek through God’s Word and our own messy lives…together. 

I started life as a teacher, but as my family grew, I stayed home with the boys, discovering how ill-equipped I was for parenting. So much to learn! Always. Somewhere along the way, my volunteering at church turned into a career. My 16 years on staff at New Covenant in Edmond, OK taught me much about faith and making this relationship with Jesus a priority.

About My Writing

Taking advantage of my new season of life, I’m now writing full-time. I post weekly on this site all that I’m learning as a follower of Jesus. As I dwell in His Word and draw nearer to His presence, I discover truths I need to grow while uncovering areas of my life that need pruning and refining, processes that can feel painful and confusing. But as I learn to lean into them–rather than resisting them–I’m discovering a grace and love that’s deeper and wider than I imagined. All He does is for my good and for the good of others. All this I try to share in my writing because His hope for us is eternal life AND abundant life now. How incredible to uncover with you what that abundant life looks like!

I also serve as the Community Engagement Manager and on the Writing Team at The Devoted Collective, which creates and publishes studies that take readers through a book of the Bible. Our most recent book, Reading Through Luke can be found at Amazon.^ Our heart at Devoted is to bring believers into community to study the Word together, so be sure to check out our website and find all the ways you can be part!

Thank you for being here. I’m so honored to have you alongside me on this adventure!

In Him, Shelley

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