The Way We Pray — Part One

Did you know that your learning style and personality type can impact they way you pray? As we discover more about ourselves, we’ll find ways to pray that really open us up to the person and power of God. Remembering What Prayer Is In the months since I’ve read and listened to J.D. Walt’s DailyContinueContinue reading “The Way We Pray — Part One”

Why Pray? Part Three

It’s so tempting to dismiss prayer as unnecessary because we think it’s silly to tell God what He already knows. And if that’s all prayer is, it’d be silly indeed. It would also seem senseless to pray if we thought God didn’t hear us or wasn’t moved by our prayers. In fact, it would seemContinueContinue reading “Why Pray? Part Three”

Why Pray? Part Two

If we’re honest with ourselves, at some point we’ve each wondered if our prayers matter. And we either just keep praying because, well, that’s what we do. Or we stop the conversation with God completely. Or we dig-in and start investigating this mysterious spiritual practice. That’s what we’re doing in this series. We’re investigating –ContinueContinue reading “Why Pray? Part Two”

Why Pray? Part One

Have you ever asked yourself, why pray, because you’re pretty sure God already knows everything anyway. Why tell Him again? Have you ever asked yourself, why pray, because your prayers don’t get answered the way you want them to? You are not alone! Over the last few weeks we’ve been laying a great foundation forContinueContinue reading “Why Pray? Part One”

What Is Prayer? Part Two

We’re on this journey toward a deeper, more power prayer life. A great first step toward getting there is to define prayer. If we have a faulty or incomplete understanding of what prayer is, we’ll never move forward or grow more like Christ. We started this conversation on Sisters in Study last time with “WhatContinueContinue reading “What Is Prayer? Part Two”

What Is Prayer? Part One

Last time we met here at Sisters in Study, we began a journey — that of delving deeper into our understanding of prayer with the desire of deepening our prayer lives. Nearly all of what I share today comes from what I’m learning in J.D. Walt’s The Daily Text series on prayer (see J.D.ContinueContinue reading “What Is Prayer? Part One”

New Shoes, New Prayer Life

If you’re at all like me, you pray. You talk to God. You voice your worries to Him. You ask for His help. You hope He’ll hear you and do something. And you celebrate when He does! Over the years my prayer life has ebbed and flowed. It has had seasons of deep, fervent engagementContinueContinue reading “New Shoes, New Prayer Life”

Between Two Gardens

Before you get excited and hope that I’m doing a spring gardening blog post, just stop and realize that the last two times I’ve tried to grow squash, I’ve been defeated the mighty army of squash beetles. Nope. This is not a post about gardening. But it is about life between two gardens. Can’t waitContinueContinue reading “Between Two Gardens”

Holy Land Day Eleven

Holy Land — Day Eleven Hebron Our last day in the Holy Land, and we head to a town south of Bethlehem, called Hebron. The way it’s been described to me, Hebron was once a thriving city, a city of commerce and trade. This is where the famed Hebron glass was made and sold. IContinueContinue reading “Holy Land Day Eleven”

Holy Land Day Ten

Holy Land — Day Ten Our trip is quickly coming to a close. But first – another work day. We packed so much into our previous day, it’s hard to believe it all had started at the three school. Today…our groups rotated, so I headed with my group to Bethlehem Bible College. A pastor atContinueContinue reading “Holy Land Day Ten”