The Lion or the Lamb

I am a word person. I love how you can play with words to make a point or be humorous, how you can cleverly cascade copious amounts of words so they sound supercilious or stupendous, and, more importantly, how you can speak life and hope into people with...words. But sometimes words fail to fully captureContinue reading "The Lion or the Lamb"

Spiritual Satisfaction

My, how a year can fly by! There's been much going on in my world, just as I'm sure it has been in yours. My second-born had a full and wonderful senior year of high school since the last post, and that certainly kept us all busy. I've also been very blessed to be partContinue reading "Spiritual Satisfaction"

Sabbath — It’s Rest and So Much More

To all of you awaiting our next She's Got Issues installment -- it is forthcoming.  Here's a "tweener" that reflects some other things I've been learning. For a few weeks several women have joined together for a study on Sabbath, entitled Breathe: Making Room for Sabbath.  I looked forward to this study because I inevitably find myselfContinue reading "Sabbath — It’s Rest and So Much More"

She’s Got Issues — Chapter 8, Quitting the Comparison Game

I suppose it's human nature, this comparison thing. Last chapter we identified the assortment of ways we torture ourselves as we look around us, comparing ourselves with the people around us. Today we take time to investigate how we might desist on the torturing. Nicole opens each chapter with a quote that applies to theContinue reading "She’s Got Issues — Chapter 8, Quitting the Comparison Game"

She’s Got Issues – Chapter 7, The Comparison Game

If ever there was a trap to keep us from being all we’re made to be and do, it’s the comparison game. We compare what we have/own to what others have – clothes, shoes, cars, houses, families. We compare what we do with what others do – speaking, writing, teaching, caring, helping. We compare whatContinue reading "She’s Got Issues – Chapter 7, The Comparison Game"

She’s Got Issues – Ch. 6, The Storm of Insecurity

Bet I've read this chapter twice since it's been so long since I've picked up our She's Got Issues  study. So here goes third time. I hear it's a charm! Throughout Scripture, storms are used to display God's power... In a way this is uniquely God's, He can create, use, and shelter us from everyContinue reading "She’s Got Issues – Ch. 6, The Storm of Insecurity"

Family. It Matters.

Family. Such a good topic for this time of year. I’m sure it’s a good topic any time of year, but especially so during the holidays. Family? You may ask. Yes, I remember that we’re picking up this study of our issues once again, but having just spent some time with my extended family, IContinue reading "Family. It Matters."

Picking It Back Up

Here we are in the midst of a study of the book She’s Got Issues, and three months later… I’m finally able to pick this back up. It’s been a busy, nay… crazy fall. Ups and downs of family life, ministry, and personal valleys. One might think I have, well, issues. The reality is…I do!Continue reading "Picking It Back Up"

She’s Got Issues — Chapter 5

Insidious Insecurity I missed posting last week, so let's not dawdle. Let's talk...insecurity, "a cloudy kind of word, with all kinds of associations and feelings hiding in it." Insecurity is the recognition of an area of vulnerability, the general sense of dis-ease in one's own skin. Insecurity presents itself both as a trait of ourContinue reading "She’s Got Issues — Chapter 5"

She’s Got Issues — Chapter 4

Surrendering the Kung-Fu Control Grip Chapter 4 is now our HOW to Chapter 3's WHAT. And right off the bat, Nicole tells us that if we're not careful, we can try to control our faith in the same way we try to control people or circumstances. If that happens, we become guarded in our faith,Continue reading "She’s Got Issues — Chapter 4"